Saturday, May 16, 2015

Workout #O2

Hello darlings! It's Style-
Here's a something I call the 30 X 7 Workout! 

3O jumping jacks
3O high knees
3O burpees
3O squats

~rest now, but only if you need to ~ 

3O burpees
3O high knees
3O jumping jacks


Jumping Jacks
what it works: calves, hip abductors, hip adductors, core, shoulder abductors, and shoulder adductors.

High Knees
what it works: quadriceps, calves, and butt

what it works: quadriceps, hamstrings, butt, lower back, hips flexors, core, chest muscles, and shoulder muscles (there are so many because this exercise has a lot of different things you have to do in it) 

what it works: erector spinae, butt, quadriceps, and hamstrings

Hope this was a helpful workout!

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Hi everyone! If you could not be mean to anyone that would be amazing! c: We all know that it does not feel good to have our sets put down or our actual selves, so don't do it!