Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Psychology Facts!

Hi guys! Catylinn here with psychology facts :)

First of all lets start with what psychology is...

Psychology: the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.

  1. If you announce your goals to other, you are less likely to make them happen because you lose motivation ( not quite sure why but this happens... but I've noticed this is true)
  2. There are more than 400 distinct phobias well recognized by psychologist
  3. Your favorite song is probably your favorite because you associate it with an emotional even in your life.
  4. The type of music you listen to affects the way you perceive the world. So listen to happy music ;)
  5. Phobias may be memories passed down through generations in DNA.
  6. People who prefer to stay up late tend to outperform, achieve, and accomplish more than people who go to bed early.
  7. Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begins to imagine the stuff you would like to happen.
  8. Being ignored causes the same chemical reaction in the brain as experiencing a physical injury.
  9. Listening to 5 to 10 songs a day can improve memory, strengthen immune system and reduce depression risk by 80%.
  10. Constantly dreaming about someone may indicate that they're actually missing and or thinking about you a lot. 
  11. People who speak two languages, may unconsciously change their personality when they switch languages. ( I wonder if this happens to me...)
  12. The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.
  13. The very last person on your mind before you close your eyes at night is either the reason for your happiness or pain. 
  14. Your body is the weakest during 3-4am. This is the time most people die in their sleep :(
  15. Being sarcastic on a regular basis can add up to 3yrs to your life. Sarcasm is extremely healthy for the mind.
  16. Based on a psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love. 
That's it for today at the hipster tipster :p

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Hi everyone! If you could not be mean to anyone that would be amazing! c: We all know that it does not feel good to have our sets put down or our actual selves, so don't do it!