Friday, May 8, 2015

Workout #O1

Hey guys, Style here!
Today I'm bringing to you a workout I thought of!

1O push-ups
2O tricep dips
1O sit-ups
5O squats

These will work your upper arm muscles and your core. 

Tricep dips
These work your triceps. You can do them by sitting in front of a chair or a sturdy object that won't fall over. Put your hands on the front of the chair with your back facing it and pull yourself up and down. If that explanation was confusing, YouTube has plenty of tutorials.

These work your core muscles. Sit ups are when you come all the way up, crunches are when you only come halfway up. Keep your hands behind your ears and try to keep your back straight as you come up and down. If you are not strong enough to keep your hands behind your ears, try putting them at your sides or putting your feet under a chair to keep your feet down.

These tone your thighs, butt, and muscles right above the knee. Make sure not to over extend your knee! Keep your legs relatively wide apart but not too far apart. If you can't do fifty all at once, try doing five sets of ten or two sets of twenty-five.

That's all I have today! Later darlings! 

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Hi everyone! If you could not be mean to anyone that would be amazing! c: We all know that it does not feel good to have our sets put down or our actual selves, so don't do it!