Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tips On How To Get Flexible

Hi people of the internet! Catylinn here with tips on getting flexible! With doing cheer this year I had to get my splits, and overall just be more flexible. Anyway cheer try outs are coming up soon, and I am here to help you guys with your flexibility!

  1. Warm up! Jog for a few minutes, do a small work out, or a few jumping jacks anything to warm you up and loosen your muscles. 
  2. Don't force yourself into any position or hold it for too long! This can cause you to pull a muscle which can be painful :( and can have the opposite affect.
  3. Hold positions for 10-30 seconds. 
  4. Be consistent! Try to stretch for at least 5-10 minutes everyday to keep up your flexibility.
  5. YouTube! Look up "stretching tips" or something like that for stretches that you might not know. 
  6. Get people to help you stretch! Have a friend or family member push you down in your straddle to get a better stretch or get someone to push you down in your splits to get that last 1/2 inch. Remember lightly!!!
  7. Don't bounce! Its just a recipe for disaster ;(
  8. Use objects around the house! Such as a wall or doorway!
  9. Wear stretchy or loose clothing! Its way harder to hold your splits in jeans than in leggings!
  10. Yoga! Yoga does not only help build your flexibility but it is also great for your mind. 
Hope this helps!

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Hi everyone! If you could not be mean to anyone that would be amazing! c: We all know that it does not feel good to have our sets put down or our actual selves, so don't do it!