Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fun Facts on Love

Hey guys! Catylinn here with fun facts about love! I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I've been MIA recently... I got sick and I have also been really busy so yeah.. Anyway here it goes!

Fun Facts!

  1. When a person's in love and they look at a person they love their eyes can expand as much as 45%.
  2. Cuddling triggers the same neurological reaction as taking painkillers.
  3. Falling in love has similar neurological effects as a cocaine high.
  4. It takes less than 4 minutes to decide whether you have feelings for someone.
  5. The more you  talk about that person to others; the more you fall in love with that person.
  6. Women who marry their best friend live happier and longer. A relationship built upon friendship can also combat depression.
  7. According to psychologist, if a crush lasts longer than 4 months you are "in love."
  8. It's impossible to remain angry at someone you truly love. Anger lasting for more than 3 days indicates that you're not in love. 
  9. When you have a crush on someone, your brain overlook and ignores the flaws of that person causing them to appear 'perfect.'
  10. Men fall in love faster than women.
That's it for today :)

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Hi everyone! If you could not be mean to anyone that would be amazing! c: We all know that it does not feel good to have our sets put down or our actual selves, so don't do it!