- study for 30-50 minutes with about 10 minute breaks in between (this is the most effective way to retain information)
- if you can chew gum during the test then chew a specific flavor of gum that you usually don't chew when you study and then chew the same type while taking the test
- instead of just reading through your notes repeatedly, read one page of notes then try to remember what you just read and keep doing this until you are happy with what you know (this will help a lot.. unless you have a photographic memory then probably not as much ;p)
- reading your notes out loud will help reinforce the material
- make study guide if you can it will help make what studying more efficient ( this helps prevent reading over unnecessary information)
- right before you go to sleep try studying for a few minutes because when we sleep the brain strengthens new memories- such as science notes
- writing in blue ink help you remember stuff better
- reward yourself after studying every so often to keep yourself motivated!
- writing something out is the memory equivalent of reading it 7 times
- times new roman is the fastest font to read
- eating chocolate while studying is suppose to help the brain retain new information, and has been directly linked to higher test scores ( I really hope this is true:)
So that's it peoples! Anyway I hope this helps you!
Have fun studying,
Catylinn ;)
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Hi everyone! If you could not be mean to anyone that would be amazing! c: We all know that it does not feel good to have our sets put down or our actual selves, so don't do it!