Thursday, May 14, 2015

14 Fun Facts on Hair

Hey! It's Style with another batch of fun facts! I really love my hair, and because of this I decided to look up some interesting facts about it. Hair is pretty, so it must have some interesting facts right? :p

☯ When wet, a healthy strand of hair can stretch 30% more than its original length.

☯ Hair contains information about everything that has ever been in your bloodstream, drugs included.

☯ Men and womens' hair are identical in structure.

☯ Black is the most common hair color.

☯ Goosebumps from cold or fear are caused by hair follicles contracting, causing the hair and surrounding skin to bunch up

☯ The average number of hair strands varies per color, with blondes having the most and redheads having the fewest. 

☯ The scientific term for split ends is trichoptilosis.

☯ Aside from bone marrow, hair is the fastest growing tissue in your body.

☯ Your entire head of hair could support the weight of two elephants at the same time (that's about two tonnes).

☯ 8O% of Americans wash their hair twice a day.

☯ At any given time, 9O% of the hairs in your scalp are growing, while the other 1O% are "resting".

☯ Each strand of hair can contain up to fourteen different elements, including traces of gold!

☯ Hair grows slightly faster in warm weather because heat stimulates circulation and increases hair growth.

☯ All your hair is "dead", except for the very top that is still in your scalp.

I know I didn't know most of these beforehand. Who knew there was a scientific term for split ends? 
Hope you enjoyed the fun facts! 

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Hi everyone! If you could not be mean to anyone that would be amazing! c: We all know that it does not feel good to have our sets put down or our actual selves, so don't do it!